Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Second Petition Prayer

March 18 – Prayer

Merciful Father.  You are sending forth your kingdom in your Son Jesus Christ.  Upon the cross, you have given a sign to all mankind that you rule through grace and mercy.  Send me now your kingdom and make me a partaker of your rule here on earth now.  Without your mercy I am but an outsider and an alien to your reign on earth.

Therefore, grant me your Holy Spirit that I may receive the benefits that Jesus Christ won for me.  That by his death and resurrection I am no longer an alien or foreigner, but now I am a beloved child who can call upon you.
Give me the confidence through my baptism and through your Supper that I am included in your Kingdom now by faith and will hear and see it in person on the day when Jesus comes to reveal your kingdom visibly to the nations.

Until then, grant me courage and faith to see Jesus Christ, who is my Lord.  In his name I pray.  Amen.
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