Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Marshfield, WI

Posts with the tag “stewardship-sunday”

Day 6: Vocation Devotion
by Dana S on May 9th, 2020
As we prepare for tomorrow’s Stewardship Sunday, today we focus on the most important vocation of all: The vocation that belongs to Jesus Christ. Perhaps it is strange to think that way. Jesus Christ himself has a vocation given to him by the Father. It is the confession of the Church: Jesus Christ is Lord.   Read More
Day 5: Vocation Devotion
by Dana S on May 8th, 2020
What better way to think about Vocation than with music. Hymn #784, “Take My Life and Let It Be” is a beautiful hymn that covers vocation. It is more of a prayer set to music and teaches us how we should approach turning our vocations over to God and trusting that he will guide us in our callings. Today’s devotion is a call to just slow down and read the lyrics.  Read More
Day 4: Vocation Devotion
by Dana S on May 7th, 2020
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). “Those who are called.” Another word for vocation is a “calling.” This phrasing comes up when we talk about Pastors. They are not hired, but called. But it also applies to you, in your calling as a Christian. You did not decide to become a Christian. You were called. You heard the voice of the shepherd and you followed. (John 10:27)  Read More
Day 3: Vocation Devotion
by Dana S on May 6th, 2020
Luther’s Small Catechism is many things. Among them is the fact that the Small Catechism is a practical guide on how to live your life with all the vocations God has given you. Luther’s Small Catechism will tell you how to be a creature of God. It will tell you how to be a Christian. It will teach you how to pray. It will teach you how to be a good parent/child. It will tell you how to live and treat your neighbors. It tells you how to have a great marriage, it tells you how to go about your day to day labors and work. It tells you take care of your neighbor’s livelihood. It teaches you how to be a good citizen, a good pastor, a good widow, a good you name it.   Read More
Day 2: Vocation Devotion
by Dana S on May 5th, 2020
I know that work can be a drag sometimes. Perhaps the labor itself is mundane or difficult. Perhaps you have lazy co-workers that make the day much harder than it needs be. Perhaps the worst part about your job is the fact that you butt heads with your boss. Maybe your boss is incompetent, harsh, or rude.   Read More
Day 1: Vocation Devotion
by Dana S on May 4th, 2020
Monday May 4th This Sunday, we are celebrating Stewardship Sunday. This year, our Stewardship team picked out the theme of vocation. Each day this week we will have a brief devotion to prepare and celebrate God’s gift of vocation.  Read More




